Our Body Bouquet oil has an amazing botanical scent of rose or lavender made with a blend of luxurious oils that deep moisturize and which quickly absorbs and nourish your skin. Not greasy! You can use it from head to toe, as a magical body oil.
Ingredients Lavender Body Oil: Sweet Almond Oil, Organic Cold Pressed Jojoba Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Vitamin E Oil, Essential oil and Botanicals
Ingredients Rose & Lavender Body Oil: Sweet Almond Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Vitamin E Oil, Rose Oil, Chamomile Essential Oil, Lavender Essential Oil, and Botanicals
ingredients 3 Kings Body Oil: Sweet Almond Oil, Organic Cold Press Jojoba Oil, Grapseed Oil, Vitamin E Oil, Lavender Essential Oil, Frankincense Essential Oil, Myrrh Essential Oil, and 24 kt gold Flakes.
Experts have stated that:
Rose: antioxidants in rose helps to prevent skin damage and regenerating skin cells. Rose also neutralize free radicals, providing anti-aging benefits to the skin as well. While the rose is excellent for all skin types, it is incredibly effective for dry skin. It contains moisturizing properties to soothe itchiness.
Lavender: Known for its calming properties—and gorgeous smell—there’s evidence showing that lavender oil essential oil benefits skin. Used as a nighttime skincare lavender oil can help smooth and firm the skin, boost radiance, and improve skin’s texture. Many use lavender oil to treat acne. Lavender is an antiseptic and anti bacterial, as well as an anti-fungal.
Collections: Aromatherapy, Bath & Body
Category: Body Oil, Lavender Body Oil, Moisturize, Pamper, Rose Body Oil
Type: Body Oil
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