History of Lavender


Lavender field

Lavender has been known about its amazing properties for 2,500 years. It was collected in the wild area of the Mediterranean region and then cultivated so now we have over 300 different cultivars and 30 different species of lavender. It has been wildly used around the World and known for its many benefits that extend beyond its relaxation properties and to aid in sleep. The latin word for lavender is "lavare" which means to wash. 

Its been found in Tutankhamen (Egyptian King)  tomb within vessels and when opened, even though its been sealed for thousands of years, still had its amazing aroma. Egyptians uses it in mummification and as perfume.

The Greeks learned a lot from the Egyptians with lavender regarding perfumes and use of it in aromatics. They would anoint  their feet with lavender oil, unlike the Egyptians using it for their face and head, to allow the whole body to benefit from its properties.

Romans used it to bathe in, to heal wounds and bruises after returning from battles and added it to their soaps. Romans knew about lavenders healing and antiseptic qualities, and for keeping insects away and aid in insect bites. They used it in cleaning and laundry, as well as fumigate sick rooms. And taken internally to aid in digestion, headaches, and sore throats. 

During the Middle Ages most gardens contained lavender for the use in herbal remedies. Lavender was placed between linens to make them smell good, since not everyone took baths daily, it was even placed in bags and hung in rooms as an air freshener, and mixed with beeswax used to polish furniture. King Charles VI had lavender sewn into his thrown chair pillow. Lavender was also used during this time to treat head lice and fleas, which brings us to the Renaissance with their pandemics of cholera and the black plaque. 

During the 16th century lavender was used as an effective and reliable way to treat infection. Glove makers (researched based) used lavender to improve in their tanning process to soften the hide, as well as making it smell better, were known to escape cholera. In 1665 during the Great Plague, lavender held a high price since it was known to protect one against the plague. Grave robbers, who lost their jobs at the ports, used lavender in a vinegar mix with a few other herbs to avoid the plague as they robbed plague victims. This mixture became known as "Thieves Vinegar."

Lavender has reached a known popularity today as its benefits become known to the public again. Research has proved it not only benefits in relaxation and as a sleep aid, and known to heal burns, but has many benefits that people throughout history knew. It is one amazing herb. 


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