Lavender in Bloom in Georgia

The optimum time to see lavender in bloom in Georgia is in June, especially mid June! Usually the spikes of lavender start to rise in May with the English (Angustifolias), but do not hit full bloom until mid June. It all depends on the weather which is beyond our control. Hot May days can bring early blooms and cloudy days can bring later blooms. It can vary from year to year and us (owners/farmers of lavender) cannot predict.

Usually the end of June we will have harvested the blooms, so most of the purple will have disappeared, but are hanging up for drying in the shop.

Since there are multiple different varieties on the farm, you can still see some lavender in bloom during July through September/October. Ultimately lavender, like all crops, depend on the weather for their blooming season. We cannot predict best day or week here on the farm.

We do put current pictures of the lavender and the farm on our FB page weekly, so please check to see what is going on at the farm, instead of calling. We are so busy working in fields, harvesting, or making products we just do not have time to be answering phone calls. We are a small family owned business and takes many hours to run. 

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